Monday, March 30, 2009

Taking a break and gsoc 2009

As the name tells, I took a break during spring break. =P

Ideas of Google Summer of Code

In the last meeting with Philip, he provides me an idea of utilizing Issues data into Hackystat, from the bottom of collecting and sending data to the top in Software ICU analysis. In the middle there are an associated DPD analysis and a set of Telemetry analyses. The Issues data is an essential sign of health of project management, but long missed in Hackystat version 8. Additionally, this is a good chance to work all through the system, which I did not experience yet. This proposal contains enough work for 3 months, so I used this idea in my application to GSoC 2009.

Before that, I have another idea: provide a facilitating way to deploy service of Hackystat. The first part is easy way to deploy sensorbase upon various database implementation. Currently, users have to implement the interface in Java code by themselves and complie the system. I want to find a way to separate the database access part into a standalone componenet that user did not have to complie sensorbase everytime there is update of sensorbase. The database access component requires much less update in functionality than sensorbase, thus less, if any expect bug fix, update/recomplie required. I may also do the implementation for some popluar database such as MySQL, IBM DB2, Oracle and MS SQL Server. The second part is an administration tool to lauch Hackystat service such as sensorbase, dpd, telemetry and projectbrowser. It provides GUI to configure settings, and capability to hide the command-line windows, make Hackystat runs in backgroud like most system services do. I did not familiar with either database implementation nor GUI configuration building. Thus estismated work is unknown for me. I expect more time in research that coding to accomplish this.

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