Monday, January 19, 2009

Plan for this semester

Now it is the beginning of the second week of this semester. In this semester I continue to work in Philip's lab and write my thesis for Master plan A. Beside the ICS700 and ICS690(seminar), I took another two graduate courses: ICS621 Analysis of Algorithms & ICS606 Intelligence Autonomous Agents. Both of these course seem to be a busy class. The former one requires lots of paper writing, which may be good for me while I am writing my thesis. The later one will include quite amount of LISP programming, which I am not so familiar with. That seems to be a very busy semester.

Plan for RA, research and thesis

The first priority will be finishing the tech-report of the classroom evaluation of Hackystat in Fall 2008. Over a half of it is done. It should be finished in a few days.

The second priority, which will soon become the first, is writing the thesis about Software ICU. There are several tasks in it upon finishing the tech-report:
  1. Process the usage data collected in the last semester;
  2. Literature review on related work (software metrics, single and multiple software project management, software project portfolio, etc);
  3. Review the former study of Hackystat such as Telemetry.
Other things related to CSDL research:
  • Philip has begun a new project called Devcathlon, which is a game about software development. It will be an interesting project to work on;
  • I also want to make some improvement to Hackystat system, it includes:
    1. Enhance performance, java-based modularity system like Equinox and OSGi.
    2. Enhance the loading process panel. Current implementation is to verbose. I want to make it more concise and/or use other approach such as loading bar.
    3. Make improvement to let portfolio page better suit to the 9-LCD workspace. One idea will be make the input panel hiddable and introduce auto-refresh feature, but it will better with the performance enhancement.

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