Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Portfolio enahcement and thesis draft

Sortable table columns have been implemented. I implement this by making measure headers links that sort the internal data model according to the specific measure. It is accomplish somehow hacky because the internal data model store a list of MiniBarChart under each project and there is no name in the MiniBarChart instances. These MiniBarChart instances are generate from Telemetry stream data and the orders of the Telemtry analysis are identical in every project. Therefore, the sorting unit is not defined by name of the measure, though user think it is, but by the index of it in enabled measure.

After the intensive implementation of features of portfolio page, I took a small break around Thanksgiving. Then I work on the thesis. The draft of my thesis can be found here.

In the coming week, my major coding effort will be put on issue senor. The first experimental version should be available by the end of this week.

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